We’ll it certainly didn’t take very long to get things heated up! With love
bugs in the air and quickly rising temperatures, we know it won’t be long
before the humidity and heat of summer sets in. It also means the fishing is
about as good as it gets! This is one of my favorite times of the year. Not
just because the fishing is excellent, but because there are so many species
to target. First off, the snook bite has been outstanding! There are also some
really big females moving around. We’ve hooked a few and landed a couple but
when a snook gets over 36” it’s a different animal and when she’s hooked near
structure, on light tackle, a little luck is needed. We’ve also been chasing
tarpon with a number of anglers flying fish, mostly juveniles the last few
weeks but that will change soon. Our focus now shifts to the BIG fish that are
just showing up at where we can target them throughout the summer. Other
inshore species we’ve been catching also include some very respectable trout
and redfish that as of June 1 are open for harvest in Tampa Bay. Tasty snapper
are becoming more abundant as well. For additional information on slots and
limits, go to www.MYFWC.com.
Huge schools of threadfin herring and Spanish sardines are pouring into the
bay this week and, with them, hungry schools of mackerel and sharks. The fired
up Spanish mackerel have provided some ridiculous action with anglers catching
them on fly and even BARE HOOKS! Also, widely considered the “pound for pound”
champs, we’ve also come across some feisty jack crevalle…up to 20lbs! These
fish provide explosive hook-ups and will put even the best angler to the test.
No better therapy than some rod bendin’, drag screamin’ action! In addition to
the great fishing there are numerous opportunities to see dolphins, manatees
and a plethora of aquatic birds as they all go about their normal daily
routines. Don’t miss out!! For memories that will last a lifetime…give me a
Tight Lines,
Capt. Chris
(813) 908-6222